5th July 2024
We would like to extend an invitation to join us for our club AGM and Social Evening.
We have arranged for the weather to be perfect for the evening of Fri 5th July and from 7.30 we plan to gather together at Grange Farm on the grass where you normally park your trailers and horseboxes.
We thought it would be rather nice to have a picnic so come along, bring your own food, something to sit on (a blanket or chairs) and you are also welcome to bring a pop up gazebo.
As a thank you to our members we will be providing some drinks – beer, wine and soft drinks.
We will have a short meeting firstly to introduce the current committee who will be staying on in their role, however three committee members have recently stepped down so we would very much welcome a couple more to join our merry band – do let us know either in advance or talk to us on the night. We will also share our annual accounts and vote on the draft club constitution and policy for helper credits. If you are not able to attend but would like to read and possibly comment on these two documents as attached, you can send your comments direct to our Chair – Anne Davies.
But it doesn’t end there, we will also be hosting the first ever Wittering Academy horseless/hobby horse freestyle dressage competition which we would encourage as many people as possible to enter – you should plan a test of no longer than 1-2 minutes demonstrating all 3 paces (lateral work and more advanced moves will not be penalised) and you may bring music if you would prefer to give more of a dressage to music flavour. We would be happy to see pairs or quadrille work too. No particular attire required and hobby horses will be provided – although if you do own one, please do bring it along as our dressage string will get very tired with riding numerous tests!! To give you a flavour and maybe some inspiration – have a look here (maybe we can try jumping next year!!) –
It would be helpful to have an idea of numbers attending so if you would be kind enough to fill in this Google Form it would be much appreciated.
We look forward to seeing many of you on 5th.
Best wishes
Your Committee