15th June 2024
12:00 am
Trec Training Clinic
Saturday 15th June
By kind permission of Mr and Mrs R Dunlop
Experience the adventure of TREC under the excellent tutoring of Karen Barker and Rachael Finch.
We will have 10 obstacles for you to try, each will be explained in full before you start that obstacle.
Sessions will be in groups of 4, running concurrently with each of the instructors.
We will split groups into in-hand and ridden, and then ridden (where possible) into complete beginner and previous knowledge/experience.
Session 1 starts at 10am with 45 minutes with first instructor, swapping over at 10.45am to have another 45 minutes with second instructor.
Session 2 starts at 11.30am with 45 minutes with first instructor, swapping over at 12.15pm to have another 45 minutes with second instructor.
Session 3 starts at 1.30pm with 45 minutes with first instructor, swapping over at 2.15pm to have another 45 minutes with second instructor.
Cost will be £17.50 per person
Bookings can be made online or by emailing trec@witteringacademy.com Priority will be given to WARC members. For online bookings a fee of £1.50 is automatically added to your order. Entries close Friday 7th June 5pm (late entries will be accepted subject to space) and times will be emailed by Wednesday 12th June.
Please indicate when booking if you are in-hand or ridden and if ridden experience level. There will be space for notes – please indicate if you are travelling with someone and need to have the same session and we will attempt to accommodate your wishes.
TREC Clinic Contact : Anne Davies 07841 412852