Club Rules
Click here for the Club Constitution (updated 2024).
Wittering Academy Riding Club Rules
All members and non members of Wittering Academy are required to abide by the club rules when participating in any mounted event:
The wearing of a hard riding hat with a correctly adjusted/fitted and fastened chin strap is compulsory when mounted. When participating in any type of cross country event a hard riding hat with a soft peak must be worn. All riding hats must meet the minimum legal standard. During dressage, equitation and show jumping events skull caps must have a black or navy blue cover.
Wittering Academy is part of British Riding Clubs and abides by their rules.
The latest BRC handbook containing rules and regulations for competitions (and a whole lot more) can be download from
Competition Rules
The judge’s decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. Arguing with the judge/steward/trainer or general abusive behaviour will result in elimination from the competition and/or the person(s) being told to leave the event.
When competing in a Wittering Academy competition, members and non members must dress smartly.
Riding boots must be black or brown. Jodhpurs boots with gaiters can be worn they must be black or brown with both being the same colour. Chaps may be worn with prior agreement of the judge / event organiser as long as they are clean, smart and match the colour of the jodhpur boot.
Competitors should wear a riding shirt with a tie or stock. We advice that shirts should have long sleeves.
Senior members must wear a riding jacket when participating in a competition. Competitors may remove their jacket in hot weather with agreement of the event organiser. Junior members are permitted to wear a dark coloured v-neck smart jumper instead of a riding jacket when competing at a Wittering Academy event.
Jodhpurs worn at competitions should be a light colour, white, cream ,beige, navy or black..
Gloves must be worn. It is no longer necessary to wear white or light coloured gloves.
All piercings should be removed. Hair should be tidy and secured. When competing in a Hunter Trial or Horse Trial no watches are permitted to be worn by competitors.
In showing classes a competitor’s groom/helper must be smartly dressed and wear appropriate enclosed toe footwear. We advice that grooms/helpers should wear a hard riding hat when in the showing ring.
Whips may be carried in all competitions except in horse trials dressage tests and at National Championships where they are not permitted.
It is recommended that body protectors should be worn when any member or non member is participating in any jumping activity. Body protectors are compulsory for any type of cross country jumping i.e. hunter trials/horse trials. All body protectors must meet the minimum required standard as described in the BRC Handbook.
When taking part in a cross country competition it is obligatory for member and non members to carry a medical card. This must be worn on the rider’s arm. They must not be worn on the rider’s leg.
The committee and organisers do not hold themselves responsible for any accident, loss or damage to competitors, spectators, animals, vehicles or property for any reason.
Any horse or pony competing or participating in a riding event must be 4 years or age or over in the current year and must be of sound condition.
The committee reserve the right to measure any horse or pony and to request a height certificate where any height is in dispute. In the event of such action being taken and the animal is found to be of incorrect height, the said animal will be disqualified from the class in question until a height measurement certificate to the contrary has been produced.
Horses and ponies downgraded under British Dressage rules where a fee has been paid will not be able to compete in riding club competitions within 6 months of being downgraded.
If blood is seen anywhere on the horse during riding in or during a competition, the rider will be stopped, informed and withdrawn from the competition. The blood may not relate to abuse but it indicates a problem which requires attention and which the rider should know about.
No member or non member will be allowed to smoke whilst mounted at any event.
Excessive use of the whip and/or spurs at any point in time will result in the rider being asked to leave the event.
Spurs must be blunt, turned downward and not inwards. Only spurs made of metal may be worn, except for horse trials where metal spurs with hard plastic knobs are allowed. Dummy spurs with no shank are allowed for horse trials. Seniors are permitted to wear spurs with smooth rowels that do not exceed 1cm in dressage tests. Juniors are not allowed to use spurs in any junior competition. The wearing of spurs is not permitted in BRC Riding Test and Style Jumping competitions. In show jumping competitions, spurs with necks in excess of 3cm are not to be worn and when participating in a cross country event spurs with necks in excess of 3.5cms are not permitted.
Riders are asked to park their horseboxes/trailers in the designated lorry park and to leave the lorry park in the same condition as they find it. Please ensure that all litter, droppings are removed.
It is the competitors responsibility to enter the ring when asked to do so and by the allotted time. Failure to comply may lead to elimination from the class unless the steward has been informed of the circumstances.
Litter must not be dropped at a Wittering Academy event.
Entry fees cannot be returned after the closing date for entries except at the discretion of the event organiser. Note: An admin fee for on-line entries is non-refundable in any event.
Any objection/complaint must be put in writing and handed to the event organiser not more than one hour after the event and must be accompanied by £20. If the objection/complaint is found to be justified by the committee of Wittering Academy, the £20 will be refunded.
The committee reserve the right to alter the programme or to consolidate classes or abandon classes. Also to amend or add to these rules as they feel necessary. Any amendments will be published on
In the event of an Academy team or individual participating in a BRC Regional Qualifier and subsequently a National Final riders will need to abide by the rules of this competition, as set out by British Riding Clubs.
Click here for Influenza Vaccination rules
Click here for Complaints Policy
WARC Data Protection Breach Procedure 2018
WARC SAR Procedure and Form 2018